Colorado Flooding: Do you need a Structural EValuation?

View of County Road 73 from EVstudio Evergreen
View of County Road 73 from EVstudio Evergreen

At this point, it shouldn’t be news to any readers of this website that the Colorado Front Range experienced a significant amount of rain last week.  It also shouldn’t be news that that rainfall came with a fair amount of flooding.  This includes Evergreen, our home town, as well as Boulder and Colorado Springs.

As residents recover, they obviously have questions about the status of their flooded property.

Is my inundated home or business safe?

EVstudio has a great deal of experience looking over homes that have doubtful structural elements.  We’ve evaluated homes that have been full of water, on fire and infested with insects.  If you’re concerned about the structure of your home or business, give us a call and we will work with you to evaluate your building and outline a repair plan if it is required.

Is my deck safe?

Even if the majority of the structure wasn’t flooded, decks and other external improvements don’t necessarily come through a flood intact.  If your deck seems warped, or if posts have shifted (or are missing entirely), there may be structural issues that need to be corrected before it’s safe to use.  EVstudio has extensive experience evaluating decks throughout Colorado, so we can quickly examine your individual situation and either approve the existing structure, or outline a plan to get it back into service.

My deck is gone.  When I replace it, how do I make sure it doesn’t wash away? 

It’s important to understand that there is no such thing as a flood-proof building — enough water will wash anything away.  However, given the known risk factors of a site, it’s possible to construct a structure that will resist any flood that is likely to happen within it’s lifetime.  EVstudio has worked with builders and property owners to find the best locations on their site for flood-resistant structures, and designed decks and additions that take advantage of these areas and are sturdy enough to withstand the rising waters.

In the wake of this storm, we’re here to help our neighbors — give us a call at 303.670.7242 and see what we can do for you.


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2 thoughts on “Colorado Flooding: Do you need a Structural EValuation?”

  1. Additionally, it’s very possible for a basement to flood with no structural damage. If you’d prefer that didn’t happen again, our Civil Engineering department specializes in grading plans for both new and existing homes. We can make sure your lot is sloped to drain away from the foundation, and if it isn’t, we can provide the information you need to have your lot re-graded.

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