DMVA Aurora and Longmont RC IFR DESIGN

MT2 and EVstudio collaborated closely on two significant lead dust remediation projects for the Colorado Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, addressing hazardous lead dust levels in the Longmont and Aurora Readiness Centers. In
Longmont, the team identified hazardous areas and undertook extensive remediation, including cleaning and replacement of HVAC systems and building surfaces.

Field Maintenance shop, the scope included replacing make-up air units, exhaust fans, and radiant heaters, along with comprehensive cleaning and updates to air devices, ductwork, and ceiling tiles. MT2 utilized lead dust wipe sampling results to develop detailed remediation design documents, outlining the scope of work based on lead dust concentrations exceeding 40 micrograms per square foot. These documents, including 95% and 100% design plan sets and specifications, were prepared to guide the remediation and construction efforts, ensuring that both facilities are thoroughly cleaned and repaired.

Project Link: Click Here