6-Unit Multifamily Duplex Project in Durango

EVstudio has designed projects all over Colorado, Texas, and in other regions. One of our exciting projects in the Southwest part of Colorado is in Durango. We were commissioned to design 6 high-end luxury duplex units on a collection of lots for a private Owner/Developer.

One of the challenges for this project was to manage a nearly 20′ grade drop from the street along the West side of the property to the street on the East side of the property, and provide access from both sides. We did this by splitting the units vertically so that the West units had a main floor garage and a walkout basement condition while the East units had a tuck-under garage condition.

Another challenge for this project was that the Owner/Developer wanted each building to look like a large home, and every unit be unique. The design goal was to avoid wherever possible the appearance that any of the units were part of a typical duplex.

Units were also staggered in order to provide a grand courtyard, shared by the residents, and also share the available access to sun and views. By modulating the size of units and location on the site, every unit is afforded expansive views and gracious space.

The interiors were also required to be upscale and high-end. We designed the structure of the units to vault as the living space terraced gracefully up each site. The open, flowing spaces relate horizontally and vertically from one level to the next. Every unit was outfitted with a cozy loft, overlooking the living spaces below, which also accommodated the larger volume for the great rooms.

The finishes were equally high-end. For luxury duplexes, the interior finish of the units was critical to meeting the desires of the Owner/Developer who had pre-sold every unit based on the designs alone. We even worked with the individual buyers to provide a level of customization within each unit.

Every aspect of the project was an overwhelming success. The buyers were thrilled with their homes and the Owner/Developer made a stunning profit. The Owner/Developer was only disappointed by the fact that he had no other lots in the area to continue the project.


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