ALTA Table A Optional Survey Responsibilities and Specifications

ALTA surveys are a cafeteria style survey where the client can pick specific items to build a survey that meets their specific needs. In addition to the standard survey requirements for all ALTAs there is the list of options on Table A which include:

  • Monuments placed (or a reference monument or witness to the corner) at all major corners of the boundary of the property, unless already marked or referenced by an existing monument or witness to the corner.
  • Vicinity map showing the property surveyed in reference to nearby highway(s) or major street intersection(s).
  • Flood zone designation (with proper annotation based on federal Flood Insurance Rate Maps or the state or local equivalent, by scaled map location and graphic plotting only.)
  • Gross land area (and other areas if specified by the client).
  • Contours and the datum of the elevations.
  • List setback, height, and floor space area restrictions disclosed by applicable zoning or building codes. The source of such information must be disclosed.
  • Exterior dimensions of all buildings at ground level
  • Square footage of exterior footprint of all buildings at ground level, gross floor area of all buildings; or other areas to be defined by the client
  • Measured height of all buildings above grade at a defined location. If no defined location is provided, the point of measurement shall be shown.
  • Substantial, visible improvements (in addition to buildings) such as billboards, signs, parking structures, swimming pools, etc.
  • Parking areas and, if striped, the striping and the type (e.g. handicapped, motorcycle, regular, etc.) and number of parking spaces.
  • Indication of access to a public way on land such as curb cuts and driveways, and to and from waters adjoining the surveyed tract, such as boat slips, launches, piers and docks.
  • Location of utilities (representative examples of which are shown below) existing on or serving the surveyed property as determined by either observed evidence or observed evidence together with evidence from plans obtained from utility companies or provided by client, and markings by utility companies and other appropriate sources (with reference as to the source of information). This includes railroad tracks and sidings; manholes, catch basins, valve vaults or other surface indications of subterranean uses; wires and cables (including their function, if readily identifiable) crossing the surveyed premises, all poles on or within ten feet of the surveyed premises, and the dimensions of all
    crossmembers or overhangs affecting the surveyed premises; and utility company installations on the surveyed premises.
  • Governmental Agency survey-related requirements as specified by the client.
  • Names of adjoining owners of platted lands.
  • The distance to the nearest intersecting street as designated by the client.
  • Rectified orthophotography, photogrammetric mapping, laser scanning and other similar products, tools or technologies may be utilized as the basis for the location of certain features (excluding boundaries) where ground measurements are not otherwise necessary to locate those features to an appropriate and acceptable accuracy relative to a nearby boundary.  The surveyor shall (a) discuss the ramifications of such methodologies (e.g. the potential accuracy and completeness of the data gathered thereby) with the title company, lender and client prior to the performance of the survey and, (b) place a note on the face of the survey explaining the source, date, relative accuracy and other relevant qualifications of any such data.
  • Observable evidence of earth moving work, building construction or building additions within recent months.
  • Any changes in street right of way lines either completed or proposed, and available from the controlling jurisdiction. Observable evidence of recent street or sidewalk construction or repairs.
  • Observable evidence of site use as a solid waste dump, sump or sanitary landfill.


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