Denver to Soon Join Austin With Launch of Zonability

On August 1st, Zonability will be launched in Denver, Boulder, Fort Collins and Loveland.


What is Zonability? It is a program, hosted by First American Title, that provides zoning information to the general public…in layman’s terms! So instead of trying to de-code strings of cryptic zoning designations, Zonability can simply tell you what can be built on certain properties by right. For commercial development, it will not replace a full entitlements process or an in-depth study of zoning by any stretch, but it will make understanding what can be built by right much more accessible to the general public.

Zonability has even become a term people are using: “What is the zonability of this lot?” Which may be a bit misleading because the program does not address what a property could be rezoned to become – it simply describes what the zoning currently allows. Zoning can always change.

For more information, please follow the link to Zonability

This program has been active in Texas, and started in Austin, where EVstudio also has an office. We’re thrilled to see a great user-friendly resource become available to our clients in other locations in which we practice.


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