EVstudio is now using Blackpoint Software with ACA

Our structural department is working with Oakwood Homes and has recently added Blackpoint Software to AutoCAD Architecture (ACA) to help improve our services to our Client.  Blackpoint provides may great features for home builders.  First, it helps to organize and track plans, it also helps to manage home options within ACA and it helps with material lists.  EVstudio is using Blackpoint to help with controlling options that can otherwise be overwhelming and time consuming.  Blackpoint helps by creating a way to manage them and reduce overall drafting.  This is done by drafting a base file that is then used to blend in options that are simply partial pieces that are specific to the option.  No extra drafting redoing and managing the base.

EVstudio is very excited to be a part of this team and looks forward to other new developments from Blackpoint and MiTek.

You can learn more about BIM and how Oakwood has been a national leader in using BIM.

Oakwood Homes moves forward with Blackpoint

BIM for Home Builders


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