In a time where it seems like everybody and their brother is now installing solar PV and hot water systems, and companies are coming and going like the dot-com flashes of the 90’s, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find reputable companies for Solar PV and Hydronic systems that will be around long enough to actually warranty your systems. A resource that is becoming increasingly popular is the Clean Energy Authority.

This is not a governmental organization in any way, but rather, a business that is built around core values of being experts in their industry, and providing valuable information and news about their industry. They have pre-screened suppliers and installers that they can direct you to and the best part is that this information is free.
When you are looking for information on the latest tax incentives or rebate programs in your area, or are trying to find a reputable installer that won’t skip town as soon as they receive payment, you can find helpful resources here.
As always, on new construction, the integration of PV and solar hydronic systems are a part of a larger sustainable program that your team of architects and engineers need to be a part of. But be aware that on all projects, new and old, you will need a structural assessment of your building’s roof if you plan to install any of these systems on it. EVstudio regularly handles such issues and we can help you with integrating solar panels in a smart and aesthetically pleasing architectural solution, while ensuring that all of the structural requirements are also met.