Jefferson County Colorado Residential Energy Code Submittal Requirements

Aside from the architectural and structural documents, Jefferson County Colorado requires a Residential Energy Code Submittal to obtain a Residential Building Permit.  The required documents include Energy Calculations, Energy Code Worksheets, and a Manual J & Manual D.

Energy Calculations are required by following 1 of 4 methods: the Prescriptive Path, Total AU Alternative Path, Simulated Performance Alternative Path, or Professional Design.  The Prescriptive Path is the most common and can be found in Chapter 11 of the 2006 IRC.  Note that Unincorporated Jefferson County is in Climate Zone 5.  This method basically requires drawing and labeling the Building’s Thermal Envelope in the sections, (R-19 for walls, R-38 for ceilings, etc).  Option 2 is more commonly known as Rescheck.  Version 2006 will need to be used in order to comply.  Although it can be done by the homeowner, EVstudio can also provide a thorough Rescheck as an additional service.  Option 3 requires an on-site inspection by a RESNET Certified Rater, along with an Energy Compliance Certificate submitted prior to the final building inspection.  Option 4 requires a stamped and signed letter by a licensed Colorado professional engineer or architect.  The letter must be submitted with the plans and state that the energy design of the building is equal to or better than that of the 2006 International Code required by the Jeffco Division of Building Safety.

Jefferson County Energy

Each of the options above also require a Manual J &  Manual D.  The Manual J is used for determining specific mechanical equipment to be used and must be submitted at the time of permit application submittal.  Be sure to follow Jeffco’s Design Criteria as needed for Manual J entries.

The Manual D is used for mechanical duct design.  This submittal may be deferred, however it must be submitted a minimum of 2 weeks prior to rough inspection.  The Manual D must provide a complete duct schematic drawing to scale.  Lastly, the 3 Energy Code Worksheets need to be completed; Duct Sizing, Effective Length Calculation, and Friction Rate.


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