Justice Center Apartments in Breckenridge

If you’ve ever been to Breckenridge, you know it’s not just a destination; it’s a community—a collective of amazing individuals working together to keep this iconic mountain town a wonderful place. But as more people flock to this picturesque area, the need for affordable housing has become more pressing than ever before. Enter volumetric construction for modular housing, an EVstudio specialty.

Volumetric construction process photo: module being lifted by a crane.
Module arrives to the site by truck where a crane awaits to pick up the module and position it for setting

The Justice Center Apartments, a 52-unit modular development designed to cater to the needs of the workforce that makes this place truly special, in Breckenridge. One of the standout features of modular or volumetric construction is how it differs from traditional building methods. Pre-constructed modules arrive at the worksite fully equipped and ready to be assembled onsite. This innovative approach not only saves time but also ensures consistent, high-quality construction.

The project has been divided into two buildings: the south building, where the modules were being set up, and the north building, where the foundation was being meticulously laid at the time I visited the site with the EVolution Design Studio team. This simultaneous site work is a game-changer, drastically shortening project timelines and bringing these much-needed homes to the Breckenridge community in record time. In fact, both the south and north buildings went from foundations to a completely set building in just three days.

Concrete foundation being poured for a modular site.
As modules are getting set for the south building the foundation is being constructed for the north building. This is a major benefit of modular construction which allows for simultaneous site work which shortens up project timelines immensely.
Volumetric construction process photo: module being lifted by a crane.
Module for the south building getting some air!
The interior side of a volumetric construction module while in motion being set.
The interior side of a volumetric construction module in motion being set.

Affordable housing has become a critical issue in high-population areas like Breckenridge, where rental prices can reach astronomical heights. EVstudio recognizes the importance of providing viable housing options for the hardworking individuals who contribute to the vibrant fabric of Breckenridge and towns across the country. EVstudio is dedicated to innovative, sustainable, and cost-effective solutions for housing challenges. These 52 units are just the beginning, and there’s no doubt that this project will pave the way for future endeavors that prioritize affordability without compromising on quality.

Interior photo of a finished modular construction volumetric construction box.
One of the benefits of modular and volumetric construction: The insides are finished before they’re set on site. This lets tenants move in sooner, connecting working families to affordable homes.

As the modular living structure nears completion, it’s clear that the Justice Center Apartments in Breckenridge are not just about constructing buildings: this project is about constructing a brighter future for Breckenridge and its remarkable workforce. EVstudio’s dedication to innovation, paired with our commitment to affordable housing, will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on this beloved mountain town for years to come. If you’d like to work with the EVolution Design Studio, let us know how we can help make your vision a reality.

EVstudio's white company vehicle is shown in the foreground of the construction site for the Justice Center Apartments in Breckenridge, CO. Modular construction of volumetric design is shown in the background.


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