Post Tensioned Slab Foundation for Apartments in Delta, Colorado

EVstudio provided structural engineering services for the post tensioned slab-on-grade foundation for a project under construction in Delta, Colorado.  The project is being built by Shaw Construction with RMS Concrete Inc providing the contractor services of the concrete placement.

The project is called Alta Vista de La Montana and consists of two multi-unit residential apartment buildings.

Below are some great pictures provided by Shaw’s project engineers showing the major steps of constructing a post tension foundation.

Step 1: Trench the ribs and set plumbing that is below the slab elevation

Step 2: Pour the ribs (if doing a two pour placement) and stab in rebar to tie the ribs to the slab

Step 3: Vapor Barrier, final plumbing, tendons, and reinforcement of the slab

Step 4: Slab placement, a half stress (roughly 24hrs),  then full stress of the tendons  within 7 days

Step 5: Construction can begin within just a couple days of the slab placement


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