School and Education Architecture is an Area of Emphasis for EVstudio

EVstudio is a firm that designs for many building types. We believe that we are better architects because we practice many types of design and as a result we look carefully at each project and listen to our clients rather than applying a common solution. However, we do have some project types that we particularly enjoy and one of those is architecture for schools and educational facilities.


A recently completed project was the design of the multipurpose addition to the Montessori School of Evergreen. The building was a fairly simple addition, the real challenge was working with a committee to balance differing expectations and build consensus. We also had a very challenging site and budget constraints. The project was completed in December of 2008, the illustration is a board that we did for their fund raising efforts.


EVstudio also has experience with higher education and technical schools. We recently completed a design for the Ohio Center for Broadcasting, Colorado Campus. It is an 11,000 sf facility with classrooms, offices, studios and editing spaces. This was our first conceptual layout.


This is a picture of the children’s handwash stations at Fisher Early Learning Center. We did a renovation of all of their classrooms and bathrooms to meet the needs of the teacher’s working at the preschool and the children attending. This was a custom solution that we devised based on listening to the issue they were having with multiple children needing to wash their hands in limited space. We really enjoy working through the details.

In addition to this group EVstudio has recently worked with the Denver International School and the University of Denver on projects. We’ve also consulted with several schools on their master plans and given advice on projects that are several years out.

Education and schools have always been a real interest for me with both of my parents being teachers. Several years ago I earned a Master of Education degree in Instructional Technology and Design to help me better understand education and instruction. Prior to starting EVstudio I worked on a number of projects at Emory University and on the Denver School of the Arts.

If you need any additional information, even about a project that you are just starting to consider, please feel free to contact EVstudio.


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