This past week, I attended a conference titled NDIA E2S2 in Denver. The acronym NDIA refers to National Defense Industrial Association, and the E2S2is an acronym for Environment, Energy Security & Sustainability. It was a great conference full of fantastic information in terms of sustainability from a wide array of perspectives within the Department of Defense realm. I was at the conference as a part of my personal contract with Fort Carson as a Sustainability Coordinator in. This contract is outside the scope of what I do at EVstudio, however it does provide a good knowledge base of military practices for EVstudio’s military work.
It was quite fascinating to learn what the military installations are doing across the United States in terms of sustainability at the conference. Some installations have a high-tech approach to sustainability with state of the art equipment and others use a historical approach to sustainability in quality materials, durability and increased exterior insulation. After attending the conference, I left pleased with what the Department of Defense (DoD) is doing and really leading as an example of sustainability across the country. With the DoD leading the way with goals and mandates from the President on sustainability (including the most recent titled EO 13514), the hope is that others will follow suit.
As you may or may not know, all DoD new construction is now required to meet the standards of LEED Silver. Some Departments have taken the executive orders further including the Department of Navy, which has the following goals for 2020:
- 50% Alternative Energy Use DON-wide
- 50% Alternative Energy and Net Zero on all Bases
- 50% Petroleum Reduction in non-tactical vehicles
- “Sail the Great Green Fleet (Tactical)”