Team Members

Michael Carr, P.E., LEED Green Associate

Michael is a structural engineer and one of the team leaders with EVstudio’s Structural Engineering department. He started his career at EVstudio as an Engineering Intern (E.I.) and has now accumulated several years of experience as a Professional Engineer (P.E.). His experience is mainly in residential projects – between custom homes, production homes, and townhomes, Michael has plenty of experience up and down Colorado’s Front Range. He has extensive practice working with panel designers and modular factories to produce homes in an efficient and highly standardized manner.


University of Colorado at Boulder – Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, with a focus in Structural Engineering


Licensed Professional Engineer in Colorado

LEED Green Associate with the U.S. Green Building Council


National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Record Holder

Structural Engineers Association of Colorado, Member