Why does a Range Matter in My Break Room or Kitchenette?

Most jurisdictions in the US use the IBC which references ANSI 117.1 for specific accessibility standards.  (It is also interesting to note that the IBC simply references ANSI 117.1, not a particular year in Chapter 11.  You actually need to go to the index in the back to find the year.)
Assuming your building does not fall under an exception that exempts it from accessibility standards in all or part of the facility then you will most likely need to meet ANSI standards for your breakroom/kitchenette area if you are building or altering a facility.

The following sections show why you will need to consider additional accessibility measures if you need to install a range or cooktop.

606.2 Lavatories and Sinks Clear Floor space
EXCEPTIONS: A parallel approach complying with Section 305 shall be permitted to a kitchen sink in a space where a cook top or conventional range is not provided.

Section 804 Kitchens and Kitchenettes ANSI 117.1 – 2009
804.2 Clearance
EXCEPTION: Spaces that do not provide a cooktop or conventional range shall not be required to comply with Section 804.2 provided there is a 40 inch min. clearance between all opposing base cabinets, appliances or walls within work areas.

804.3 Work Surface.
EXCEPTION: Spaces that do not provide a cooktop or conventional range shall not be required to provide an accessible work surface.

EV Studio always recommends tailoring your space to the level of accessibility appropriate for your users even if this means going a bit above the minimum standard.  Our goal is to make your space as useful as possible to all your users while being sensitive to your budget and applying our knowledge of the rules and exceptions to keep you in compliance at minimal cost.

Please note we have not discussed ADA standards here and if your building falls under the scope of ADA there may be additional requirements.

Please feel free to email me if you have any additional questions at design@evstudio.com


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