Building Height Restrictions Vary – Always Double Check

One of the challenges in designing a large home is conforming with the height restrictions. The most common maximum building height is 35′ but it varies greatly. I’m seen as little as 17′ for portions of a Denver lot to unlimited building height.

What is important is always double checking with the municipality on how they calculate the height. The International Building Code uses the average of the roof surface and the average of the grade. Some municiplaities only look at the worst height from lowest grade to highest roof. Many of them will take some sort of an average, front and back, midpoint of four elevations, four corners. I spoke with a building official in Parker today and they allow a totally weighted average, if 2 or 4 points won’t work you could increase the total number of points as long as the average is under 35′.

You also need to double check what isn’t looked at including; chimneys, spires, eaves and so forth. Generally they don’t count against you but better to confirm.


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