When the LEED system arrived on the scene a number of years ago it was really quite simple to attain the accreditation. As the system has continued to mature so has the system for accrediting individuals. Now it takes a more knowledge, work and dedication to become a LEED AP with a Specialty.
The first step is to become a LEED Green Associate. This can actually be gained as a standalone credential or as part of becoming a LEED AP with Specialty. There are a number of basic requirements, taken from the USGBC website:
For professionals who support green building design, construction, and operations, the LEED Green Associate credential denotes basic knowledge of green building principles and practices and LEED.
Eligibility requirements:
Candidates must have experience in the form of
• EITHER documented involvement on a project registered or certified for LEED
• OR employment (or previous employment) in a sustainable field of work
• OR engagement in (or completion of) an education program that addresses green building principles.
Credential maintenance requirements:
LEED Green Associates must maintain their credential by earning 15 continuing education (CE) hours every two-year reporting period.
As you can see even gaining the basic level within the LEED AP tree a candidate must some substantial experience in the green and sustainable building fields or at the very least a fairly robust education which addresses those issues.
The most important aspect is that continuing education is now a requirement even for the base level of LEED Green Associate. This prevents the accreditation from being a “get it and forget it” addition to one’s business card.