In Need of a Structural EValuation?

Do you have a structural concern about your home? Are you buying a home, but have some reservations about a structural aspect? Are you selling a home and had a home inspector flag an item, and now the bank requires an inspection by a professional structural engineer? If so, EVstudio has an entire “small projects” division that can help. If you are concerned about:

A cracked foundation wall

Cracks in brick veneer

Foundation settlement

Interior drywall or plaster cracks appearing

Bouncing or squeaking floors

Questionable original construction or methods

Or, if you are in the midst of a remodeling project and suspect you may be compromising a beam or bearing wall, we are here to help you out.

What sets EVstudio apart is that our structural engineers are not alarmists. We will observe and evaluate your individual situation and advise you on absolutely need at a minimum for structural safety and code compliance as well as options for increased level of performance if the homeowner deems necessary. Our belief is that if you had to call a structural engineer out to your home, your unexpected repair costs are already above what you anticipated so we will do everything we can to give you what need and nothing that you do not.



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