With the increasing number of link requests that we get from Consultants, Clients, Engineers, Contractors and Builders, I thought it would be useful to explain how to get EVstudio.info to link to your website.
First, an important distinction, generally speaking our evstudio.us domain does not provide links unless we have an interest in the company. Most of our linking comes through evstudio.info which actually has higher page rank anyway.
What we have devised as the most fair way to distribute links is that we provide links within posts where describe projects. That way if we’re only working on one project with a certain company we are providing less links that if we are working on five projects with another company. Just let us know that you’d like to be mentioned in conjunction with projects and we’ll make sure that we do. The blog currently has a page rank of 5, so we can really help out.
The other way is we provide links to organizations and blogs that our readers may find interesting, just email me and I’ll look over your site.
We always appreciate any reciprocal links as it helps more people find us and the information that we have generated to let them know more about architecture and the architectural process.