Means of Egress Hazard Categories in the Existing Building Code

The International Existing Building Code (IEBC) is the I-Code that covers existing buildings in depth. While the International Building Code (IBC) covers changes of occupancy in existing buildings, the IEBC goes into much greater detail. When you’re doing a change of occupancy, see if your municipality has adopted it.

In the 2006 IEBC there is a table that lists the relative hazard with regards to egress. This allows you to evaluate if your change of occupancy is moving to a higher, lower or equal hazard. The categories are as follows:

1 (the highest hazard) is only for H occupancy

2 is for I-2, I-3 and I-4 occupancies

3 is for A, E, I-1, M, R-1, R-2 and R-4 occupancies

4 is for B, F-1, R-3 and S-1 occupancies

5 (the lowest hazard) is for F-2, S-2 and U occupancies


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