In another assessment in a series of articles: How much does it cost to build a medical office building? It is well known that Medical Office Buildings are very expensive per square foot due to the integrated systems required in the buildings. Below is a chart from RSMeans construction cost data that illustrates the cost per square foot for new construction sorted by region from the most expensive to the least expensive.

The chart shows a significant spread in cost per square foot by geographic location – as much as 74% increase from the lowest (Winston-Salem) to the highest (New York). The average cost per square foot hovers around $220 per square foot. These buildings can also vary significantly depending on the specific uses and the technologies employed within the offices. For more specific information regarding the cost of an individual medical office building to suit your requirements, please contact us here at EVstudio and we can help to scope the parameters that make your project work.
3 thoughts on “Price Per Square Foot Construction Cost for Medical Office Buildings”
Medical Design / Build cost per foot in Dallas/ Ft Worth retails close to the chart.
Customer specific feature needs can make the most cost effective approach vary. The specific municipal location, site cost, parking counts and style are but a few of the factors.
I once heard the statement you can’t standard price a building “per foot” any more than you can standard price it “per pound.” We have a good core group of craftsmen needing more work so give us a call.Thanks,
It is my understanding from RSMeans that their numbers would represent an average of a fairly wide variety of building sizes and parameters. That would include both single as well as multi-story in that mix. So, as far as an average, there are a lot of variables that will drive cost per square foot higher or lower, depending on your specific conditions.
The buildings in their study are finished (flooring, ceilings, interior partitions, doors, etc.), but they do not include FF&E costs (furniture, moveable equipment, or specific fixtures not permanently connected to the building). Their costs also never include land costs, financing costs or soft costs like surveying, testing, architecture or engineering. These costs are just the building, finished and ready to furnish and equip for whatever specific purpose the end user would have (bone specialist, surgeon, dentist, etc.)
I hope that helps!
Can you define what is included in the cost? Is this for just core and shell or does this include buildouts? Are these single story structures or multiple? Does this include land? Does it include other costs such as architectural?
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