Project Spotlight: Entertaining District Master Plan

Throw Back Thursday- Entertaining Concepts


Master planning is often a service client’s overlook or doesn’t know where to go to get the help they need. EVstudio has experience in planning on a broader scope than just a single building or home, as exemplified in this Entertainment District.

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With over 100,000 square feet of amphitheater space, 30,000 square feet of museum & cultural space, 35,000 square feet of retail, 50,000 square feet of brewery space, and a 150,000 square foot greenhouse, this Entertainment District needed strategic planning before each space could be designed. Having a concept of how and where each piece of this puzzle fits together to help it operate is just one of the challenges you face when developing a campus of buildings like this one.

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Through several iterations and an extensive study done by our architects and engineers, EVstudio was able to offer the client a thorough and comprehensive plan with the estimated cost, schedule, and square footage for each element of the Entertainment District. Every space is broken down into cost per square foot, and a construction budget can be developed early on. In this case, the budget indicates a construction cost of around $7,000,000.00 which would’ve been a headache trying to estimate before accurately planning. Having a master plan gives you a roadmap for an otherwise confusing and complicated process on large multi-building projects, and allows the client to bring their vision to fruition in an organized and strategic way.

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If you have a grand vision and need help getting it out of your head, onto paper and built, EVstudio is the partner to help you every step of the way.


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