Toilet/Water Closet Wall Clearances and Space In Front
It’s often tempting to try to squeeze bathroom spaces when designing a house. A comfortably sized bathroom is worth the
Home » Toilet
It’s often tempting to try to squeeze bathroom spaces when designing a house. A comfortably sized bathroom is worth the
Have you ever wondered how a mall only seems to have one set of restrooms while an office building has
The Highpointe Building 2 Project in Killeen, Texas is pursuing LEED Certification under the LEED for Core and Shell 2009
A close look at ADA and ANSI reveals valuable flexibility in the code for catering to the needs of children. With a new project on the boards that includes a children’s daycare and play area I pulled out my copy of the ADAAG (Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guide) and ANSI 117.1-2003 (as called by the IBC (International Building Code)) and searched for adjustments in the code that take into consideration the specific needs of children.
When working on multi- family architecture or any commercial project, it’s important to be aware of the differing code requirements
4600 Plettner Lane
Evergreen, CO 80439
By Appointment Only
9442 North Capital of Texas Highway
Plaza One, Suite 500
Austin, TX 78759
By Appointment Only