The Four Treatments for Historic Properties

When working with, or evaluating, federally registered historic structures it is important to understand the basic approaches that can be taken in regards to modifications.

  1. Rehabilitation: This treatment is when an owner wants to maintain the historic character of the building yet use it for a use that is compatible with the existing type of building. Under this set of guidelines a historic building can altered, repaired and added on to while still preserving the areas of the building that have historical value.
  2. Preservation: In preservation the historic building is maintained in its current form. The historic form, integrity and materials are preserved.
  3. Restoration: Sometimes it is important or desired to accurately depict the character of a certain time. Under this treatment a historic structure may have additions and alterations removed and missing features reconstructed so that the structure is as accurate and true to its time as possible.
  4. Reconstruction: Sometimes there are surviving photographs of a historic structure that depict important features that are no longer present. Reconstruction attempts to depict that non-existent feature through new construction. The intent is to replicate the buildings appearance during a specific time as accurately as possible.

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