EVstudio has a Colorado Professional Land Surveyor as part of our team and provides a variety of surveys to meet our clients’ needs. Four of the most commonly requested surveys are improvement location certificates, land survey plats, improvement survey plats and ALTA/ACSM surveys.
IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) – The simplest survey which includes the size of lot, size of structure(s), existing property corner evidence. Commonly requested for real estate transaction, simple and inexpensive. Only marginally useful for design work.
LAND SURVEY PLAT (LSP) – Also known as a boundary survey. Utilized to determine boundary lines and corners, determine encroachments, and/or construct new improvements on your property, etc.
IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT (ISP) – Basically an LSP with some additional information regarding existing observable improvements such as streets, curb & gutter, sidewalks, dry utilities, wet utilities, etc. Can also include easements of record and topography if the client so desires. Utilized for more extensive proposed improvements and as a base for design services.
ALTA / ACSM SURVEY – Pretty much a cafeteria style survey where the client can pick items from an Optional Table A and create his own survey for specific purposes. The base required portion of any ALTA definitely meets the requirements of an LSP and includes some of the elements of an ISP and includes record Title research of easements and encumbrances to the property. Table A consists of additional options that can be shown depending on the goals of the project, requirements of the lender, etc. This is the 2005 version of Table A: