Estimating Today Magazine features article by EV Studio

Cover of the February 2011 Edition of Estimating Today Magazine

Estimating Today Magazine is the nationally distributed official monthly news magazine of the American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). The February 2011 edition of Estimating Today Magazine is all about the Construction Specification Institute’s (CSI) MasterFormat, which is the North American formatting standard for construction specifications. This edition features an article written by Elicia Ratajczyk, LEED-AP of EVstudio titled “The Importance of Specifications and MasterFormat” (page 25). Elicia is one of the team of in-house specification writers on the EVstudio staff and credits the firms strong interdisciplinary design philosophy and practices for the production of comprehensive and well integrated specifications that contribute to success of the firms more complex projects.

The ASPE serves professional estimators in the construction industry by providing information, education, networking and other opportunities for professional development with a goal of increasing professionalism in the discipline. They have chapters across the nation including the Chapter 5 in Denver. Monthly chapter meetings feature guest speakers and provide members with opportunities to network, share information and exchange ideas and experiences. Committees also give members opportunities for serving the profession.


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