Green Roofs – Drawbacks and Benefits
Green roofs are a fairly new occurrence in the United States. Chicago and Portland are the two cities that have
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Green roofs are a fairly new occurrence in the United States. Chicago and Portland are the two cities that have
Colorado has not seen the depths of the housing crash like some areas of the country. In turn, the rebound
We had a lunch and learn with Justin Larsen of WaterFurnace and Steve Cross with Sun Spot Solar to discuss
As EVstudio moves to full integration of the 3D BIM (Building Information Modeling) software Revit we are doing more and
Time to get that Spring Cleaning done, but don’t forget to recycle as much as possible! This Saturday, May 14,
Construction has been completed on the Kern garage on Buffalo Park Road in Evergreen. This custom designed and constructed garage
Through a collaborative effort with local contractor, Tomskin LLC, EVstudio has risen to the new challenge of redefining the mountain vernacular
Recently I have been working on a lecture hall project in Killeen, Texas. The structure of this lecture hall is
EVstudio is proud to announce that we have just
Estimating Today Magazine is the nationally distributed official monthly news magazine of the American Society of Professional Estimators (ASPE). The
New from TEDxHouston, Texas Contractor Dan Phillips discusses his unique and creative use of recycled materials in several homes he
The Evergreen Terraces Office building is now officially the first LEED Certified building in Evergreen, Colorado! EVstudio designed the building
4600 Plettner Lane
Evergreen, CO 80439
By Appointment Only
9442 North Capital of Texas Highway
Plaza One, Suite 500
Austin, TX 78759
By Appointment Only